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"Until death do us part." But just incase it's not, be smart about it.

Contrary to popular belief, prenuptial agreements (also called "prenups") aren't just for wealthy couples. Whether you're living paycheck to paycheck or have many assets, creating a legally-binding contract that protects what assets you have is something we strongly recommend and believe is an excellent planning tool for your financial future. 

While we know bringing up this topic to your fiance is sensitive, since many times this can be associated with negative feelings, such as mistrust and lack of confidence in the marriage, they can also be viewed positively.

The process of preparing to enter into the agreement is an opportunity for each party to better understand the finances of the other and to discuss other important issues related to the marriage.  We know that this agreement can help both parties achieve the peace of mind of knowing that once they enter the marriage, they will be protected if the union dissolves.


Contact us today to get started on your agreement. 

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